Waseca County Pioneer 111 W. Elm Ave.

Waseca, MN (507) 837-6767


Losing the last of my wisdom...teeth

Well, I finally did it. I got my wisdom teeth out. Honestly, I didn’t know if it was going to happen for me. A fair number of my friends got their wisdom teeth out a few years ago, but I was not advised to have mine removed until recently, when the dentist took a full mouth x-ray and could see my bottom tooth was coming in at a very bad angle. It might not even have broken through my gum line if nothing had been done; it was so crooked it was practically sideways. 
After that revelation, I was told I might as well have the top two wisdom teeth removed as well, since I was already going for the bottom one. The reason I say bottom “one,” is because about five years ago it was discovered that one of my molar teeth growing in was stuck under another one. At that time, the molar was taken out and one of my wisdom teeth was moved over to grow into its place. 
For the time being, I am a chipmunk with a swollen cheek. Luckily it doesn’t hurt too badly thanks to the medication. I just hope the swelling goes down by Thursday when we have our Minnesota Valley Action Council (MVAC) recognition event; Jonah and I have been asked to talk as we are the only two interns who have come back for a second year at our job sites. Usually, internships like ours are for only one year, but sadly, MVAC didn’t have enough applicants for their marvelous program, so we were able to come back and work for the newspaper a second year. 
Anyway, with the wisdom teeth now gone, I technically am not really allowed to do anything for a couple of days. I am not allowed to do anything that raises my heart rate because of something with my blood pressure and causing the stitches or something to burst. I don’t know. Anyway that means I can’t go on walks or work out or do anything fun like that. It does mean that I mainly get to sit all day and watch tv in between naps and read. I would’ve worked on my puzzle, but that would’ve meant I had to get up off the comfy couch. 
While the forced relaxation is a nice change of pace, I am not typically a person who sits and does nothing–I find it frustrating. So it’s like a vacation, but a restricted vacation where I can’t have fun. I just get to be stationary all day with an ice pack glued to my face.  
I thought the break would give me time to work on stories and such for the paper, but honestly, it’s also been mentally exhausting. I don’t know if it’s the poor sleep or the fact that I didn’t even change out of my pajamas the second day until dinner time. Hopefully the third day allows me to be more productive. Maybe I’ll clean my room, dust the bookshelves that have needed dusting for multiple months, or actually sit down and do some serious journaling. Nothing to raise my heart rate of course, I don’t need to make this recovery any longer than it is. 
My Determination: “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” ― Frida Kahlo


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103 S. State Street
Waseca, MN

(507) 837-6767


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