Waseca County Pioneer 111 W. Elm Ave.

Waseca, MN (507) 837-6767


To be determined - by Amelia Roessler

I had a moment today that brought me right back to small town vibes. It was when I was supposed to be studying in the library with one of my coworkers and classmates. We did study for a bit, but then one of us made a random comment and we started talking about a million different things; after...
It is now week 9 of 14 of this school semester and we’re really starting to get into the thick of it with projects, papers and midterms. Here’s what I’ve been learning recently.  In my Intermediate News Reporting class, we have recently been discussing government meetings and how to report and...
As everyone and their mother already knows, there was a pretty big fire on Sunday. I know there are stories in other places of this paper on it, but I get to tell you first hand how the fire went down, as I was in the thick of it.  My parents live on Snake Trail, right near Moonan Marsh and...
Is it really already March? February felt like March.  I talked with a professor today about spring and fall breaks at University: She commented about how the energy of students is different before and after breaks, but also depending on weather. She said students tend to lose focus when the...
Happy one-week-until-spring-break, everyone. The countdown is on because I am extremely excited to take a break from school and work, but really, who isn’t?  My plans consist of visiting grandparents and a possible road trip with my friends; the second one is rather uncertain, though, because...
It’s week whatever now in school and I am completely ready for it to be done. I’m exhausted all the time; I’m always writing either for class or work; and I’m always stressed about the future. Lovely times.  I’m probably exaggerating, given that it’s late while I am writing this. I was able to...
You know, sometimes I forget that people actually read my column (shoutout to Bill Fitzsimmons for telling my family you liked my column). Last week’s column was a little sappy, so I’ll keep it upbeat this week. I am currently writing this while watching a bunch of men play mediocre pick-up...
Well, it’s been quite a week in Amelia’s world. Settle in, grab your cup of dark coffee (because that’s what you all drink in my mind), and let me tell you all about it.  I write my columns on Tuesdays, since the newspaper gets sent in for publishing on Wednesday. So while you all read this on...
Now is when the weeks start to fly by in a blur, day after day gone as students trudge to classes and back, doing homework, attending class, and working.  My classes this year are interesting. My global communications professor is a 66-year-old gentleman who does not like to use electronic...
The semester has officially started, and I have a feeling it’s going to be an interesting one. I’m taking four classes this time: Multimedia Production and Storytelling, Intermediate News Reporting, Global Communications, and Intro to Social Psychology. They should be fun, considering they are...



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103 S. State Street
Waseca, MN

(507) 837-6767


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