Left to right Missy Donor, Mikhail Rostislavovich, Felix Kelzer,Bradly Donner; Brad Donner, Mady Skelly, Edward Deuine, Kia Laidlow, Mikhail Rostislavovich, and Missy Donner.
Arts council 34th annual art exhibit
Thu, 06/20/2024 - 7:39pm
The Waseca Arts Council Hosted its thirty-fourth annual high school art exhibit at the Beckman Gallery in the Waseca Art Center from 9:00 to 11:00 a/m/ on Friday, April 19, 2024.
Twenty-six students from around the greater Waseca area and their art instructors participated in the juried show. The six high schools participating were Choice Academy from Owatonna, Blooming Prairie High School, Le Seuer-Henderson High School, Mankato East High School, Tri-City United High School, and Waseca High School.
The exhibit included 30 works of art in several different mediums including oil paints, watercolor, acrylic paint, colored pencil, clay, paper, and cardboard. The students’ work had been on display at the Art Center since March 16 and culminated with the Juried Exhibit and a watercolor class taught by Waseca artist Brad Donner. The exhibit was juried by Mikhail Rostislavovich, vice president of the Art Council and Donner, the executive administrator.
Before the awards were given out ,Rostislavovich thanked the students and instructors in attendance, saying “We have been creating and appreciating art since any of us can remember. Today we are celebrating all the beauty and creativity that all of you have created here today.” He closed by telling of a famous statement made by Pablo Picasso: “Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” Rostislavovich encouraged the young artists to remember Picasso’s warning long after they graduate high school.
First place was awarded to Felix Kelzer from Choice Academy for his piece titled “Snake and Heron” in colored pencil. Second place was awarded to Mady Skelly of Le Seuer for her piece titled “After Life” in acrylics. Third place was awarded to Edward Deuine from Tri-City for his piece titled "The Ewer “ in clay. Honorable mention was given to Kai Laidlow from Mankato East for his piece titled "Mixed Media” using paper and cardboard.