Waseca Christian Assembly held a benefit for Deb and Wally Werling the evening of Friday, May 10. The couple has faced many expenses due to Deb's battle against cancer which began in 2002. Pictured with the couple are son-in-law Mike Erickson and their three daughters, from left, Dawn, Sara and Karen.
Family expresses gratitude for hundreds who attend fundraiser
Christian Assembly hosted Werlings and company
Christian Assembly hosted Werlings and company
Thu, 06/20/2024 - 6:42pm
“Deb has been so strong, and Wally is right there with her.” — Russ Blackford
Serving was constant at the May 10 supper benefit for Deb and Wally Werling held at Waseca Christian Assembly Church. The Werlings, members at the church for more than 20 years, expressed gratitude for the event. “It’s a blessing to have a church family like this one,” said Deb.
Deb, 71, had her right leg amputated up to the hip on March 6 after chemotherapy treatments and surgeries failed to control large sores which began appearing on her thigh last November. Since the operation, “I’ve been living differently,” she observed. After the amputation, she spent six days at the Mayo Clinic rehabilitation center learning new ways to move herself around. She described using a walker with one leg: “It’s called ‘hopping,’ “ she said. “They called me a ‘rockstar’ during rehab.
“Cancer is an evil disease, but it’s not going to get me.”
Wally and Deb have been married 48 years and have lived in Waseca since 1975. They raised four children, now adults, who graduated from Waseca High School. Deb retired from a position as a paraprofessional working with special needs learners at the Waseca Intermediate School in 2018.
Deb was first diagnosed with cancer in 2002. At that time, she received radiation treatments and the cancer was sent into remission for about 10 years. When it reemerged in 2013, many separate lesions were removed; skin grafts were done twice, but did not stop the growth of the cancer. Deb says the possibility of amputation was raised in 2021, but she elected to undergo chemotherapy to see whether it could be effective. Doctors advised her on February 26 that amputation was necessary, the surgery took place 10 days later.
For a time, “living differently” included using crutches to navigate the eight stairs of their home’s split foyer entry. Members of her family have helped make numerous helpful changes, including a chair lift in the foyer, a ramp up to the threshold, and a walk-in shower.
Deb’s brother-in-law Russ Blackford, who, with Wally's sister Kathy, lives in Des Moines, commented “Their family has always been a happy group that works together. The whole family is amazingly supportive.
”Deb has been so strong, and Wally is right there with her.”
The fundraiser at the Christian Assembly church asked diners to make a free-will donation for a meal consisting of spaghetti, salad, and garlic toast prepared by church members Tim, Josh, and Christi Bice. An array of desserts was also prepared by volunteers.
Though no official count was kept, hundreds of diners attended.
“I want to say thank you to everyone who helped with the fundraiser and who came to support it,” said Deb. “It’s been tough, and we’re grateful for the help.”