Waseca County Pioneer 111 W. Elm Ave.

Waseca, MN (507) 837-6767


Preliminary budget approved

JWP School Board June 2022
The Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton School Board adopted its preliminary 2023 fiscal year budget at its meeting on Monday, June 20. The 2022-23 projection for the general fund revenue budget was $9.194,278, down 9.81 percent from the $10,194,703 revenue for 21-22.
The only budget items that increased were basic formula by 0.15 percent and special education by 2.36 percent. Everything else decreased, with federal and miscellaneous local budget lines decreasing by 62.75 percent and 38.28 percent, respectively.
General fund expenditures also went down slightly by 1.72 percent. Although only two expense items decreased, they were significant enough to decrease the impact of increases in other categories. 
Salaries across the board increased by 4.64 percent. Teacher salaries increased least by 2.83 percent, while administrative salaries increased by $45,000 and other salaries increased by $100,000.
Capital expenditures decreased by 21.26 percent. The budget for the 2022 fiscal year included $300,000 for ESSER III projects (Windows and Technology), $200,000 for remodeling in the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classroom, and $100,000 for remodeling in the Life Skills department. 2023 fiscal year projections factor in $261,000 for self-funded energy savings projects, $40,000 for technology projects, and $55,000 for seal coating the parking lot.
During the presentation of the adopted budget, the school board also discussed enrollment projections. The district anticipates 655 students in the upcoming year, down 21 from 2021-22.
The board also approved school policy changes after a third and final reading. Eleven separate motions were needed to implement changes policies covering complaints, public and private personal data, reporting of child neglect, drug and alcohol testing, school district testing, assurance of test security, and updates of URLs.
In new business, the board approved a resolution relating to the election of school board members and calling the school district general election. They also gave a green light to a second resolution establishing dates or filing affidavits of candidacy. The filing period opens on August 2 and will end on August 16, 2022.
After approving their membership to the Minnesota State High School League, the school board approved an increased mileage reimbursement rate of 62.5 cents per mile effective beginning July 1. The board also accepted an agreement with Taher for food service management services for 2022-23 pending state approval of the contract.
The school board accepted donations totaling $254,665.80. Box Tops for Education donated $15.80 for the snack cart, while South Central Service Coop donated $250,000 for the CTE FACS Grant. Other donations were from the Bulldog Backers for the JWP FFA Grant ($500), Compeer Financial for the Agriculture Education Grant ($4,000), and Medo Township for Community Education Expenses ($100) and the Prom Committee ($50). The meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.


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Waseca, MN

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