Waseca County Pioneer 111 W. Elm Ave.

Waseca, MN (507) 837-6767


At the Waseca Area Foundation celebration in Waseca's Northeast Park on Sept. 19, diners enjoyed live music from Whiskey Whiskers while choosing among menu items offered by Tacos La Reyna, Kelm's BBQ and Polly's Pantry Treats.
Pioneer photo by Ben Revermann

Three-and-a-half decades celebrated

WAF recognized anniversary Thursday
Despite the rainy weather, the Waseca Area Foundation held its 35-year anniversary at Waseca’s Northeast Park in Waseca the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 19. Representatives from the Janesville (JAF) and New Richland Area (NRAF) Foundations were there to help out as well. So was the live band Whiskey Whiskers and three separate food trucks, Polly’s Pantry Treats, Kelm’s BBQ and Tacos La Reyna.
The Waseca area Foundation (WAF) states on its website: “Our mission is to provide an opportunity for groups or individuals to leave a legacy through contributions which build a permanent community fund committed to meeting the changing needs of the Waseca area.”
Rosalie Grams, a representative of the JAF,there to assist, said, “The WAF provides an umbrella for many funds, for example, the Janesville fund and New Richland.” She mentioned upcoming events that support the organizations.
“We’re sponsoring a comedian named Mary Mack and Trinity Church Ladies-Up from the Basement comedy show. It’s going to be at the St. Ann's Parish Hall in Janesville and will start at 5 p.m. on Oct 12.” Anyone interested in going, the schedule will be: From 5-6 p.m. is happy hour/food. 6-6:30 p.m. will be the Church Ladies and Mary Mack will perform at 7 p.m. Grams made assurances that all the comedy is very family friendly, “There is a lot of off-color comedy out there, this isn’t that. You can bring your kids.” Tickets will be $40 and are also available at Gidgets in Janesville and Janesville Bank.
The celebration at Northeast Park in Waseca was a way for the WAF to say thank you and give back a little to the community and have some fun. Waseca Foundation president Amy Potter, who helped organize Thursday’s event said, “We’ve lasted 35 years because of all the giving from Waseca businesses and community members. From 1985 through 2024, and in that time we’ve helped Waseca county to receive $5.8 million in donations.” For example, the organization awarded $83,050 in scholarships. In 2023 there were $9,950 in grants awarded and so far in 2024 $20,400 has been given away.
To further understand the WAF and how they work, 16-year-old Abigail Claire Wendland’s life was tragically ended in 2011 in an automobile accident. Abigail’s parents, Brad and Monica Wendland, started the Abigail Claire Wendland Performing Arts Fund to help fund performing arts initiatives in the Waseca community. Abigail also had a brother and sister named Matthew and Olivia. Because of the hard work and determination from Abigail’s parents and the WAF to acquire funds, students like Anna Burns received an Abigail Claire Wendland Spirit Award in 2012. And Whitney Storvick was a 2013 Scholarship Recipient. Anyone interested in giving to the Abigail Claire Wendland Performing Arts Fund, or to WAF in general, visit, https://wasecaareafoundation.org/give/. Leaders also suggest that giving volunteer time is another important way to contribute.


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103 S. State Street
Waseca, MN

(507) 837-6767


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