Timely ending
Tim and Becky Dennis retire
Tim and Becky Dennis retire
Wed, 12/28/2022 - 2:35pm
“We look forward to making plans that we know we can carry through on. We look forward to getting to know what that’s like.”— Becky Dennis
For more than 40 years, the concept that death could come for us at any time has had a double meaning for Tim and Becky Dennis.
As owners and operators of four different chapels offering funeral and cremation services in Waseca, Waterville and Janesville, they have been “on call” any time day or night since entering their profession in the early 1980s.
“People are often surprised when we arrive in the middle of the night dressed in a suit and tie,” observes Tim. “We do that every time, regardless of the time of day. It’s our way of showing respect to the deceased and their families.”
It has also meant, of course, being prepared to stop any and all activity in other facets of their lives—regardless of the time of day. That often entailed sudden announcements to family and friends that one or both of them had to leave. But it was always a sacrifice they were willing to make.
“It’s what we do,” says Becky. “We serve our community by providing support at a sensitive time. We want to express our thanks for our years serving the Waseca, Waterville, and more recently, the Janesville communities. We feel blessed.”
The couple takes pride in having served so many people from so many different circumstances, always to the full extent possible. “People have expressed gratitude for everything we could do to help them,” says Tim. “They’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many facets of the preparations and planning we could take off their plate.
“It feels good to know we’ve made this difficult time easier for so many people and families.”
Tim finished his Bachelor of Science degree in Mortuary Science and began working for Walt Kinder at the Kinder Home for Funerals in 1983. Becky moved to Waseca at the time of her marriage to Tim in 1985, when she was also able to join the Kinder staff. Both have been here ever since, while their lives expanded on both the personal and the professional sides.
As for their family, they have raised four daughters, now in their late 20s and early 30s and have become grandparents. Their family includes Erica and Adam Troyer, with grandchildren Lukas, 3, Shepherd, 18 months, and Lainey, one month; Kjerstin and Josiah Durie and their 3-month-old daughter, Karter; Corinne and Jacques Perrault and Caleigh and Jacob Walter.
Since the Dennis family lived in the residence attached to the chapel, all four daughters grew up well acquainted with the day-to-day operation of a funeral home; as young children they would make “drums” of some of the flower stands and put on performances for Mr. Kinder and their parents.
The Dennises took ownership of the Third Street facility in 1993 when Walt Kinder retired. They recognized that they were the benefactors of a long tradition, since the business they bought had been in operation since 1867. As their daughters reached suitable ages, the girls took on various duties, including greeting and serving mourners as they arrived at viewings and services, setting up flowers, driving the hearse, and much more.
“For a time, our advertising theme was ‘Our family serving your family,’” recalls Becky. “And it was a very accurate statement of the way things were.”
Just as the Dennises’ family grew over their tenure, they have had opportunities to acquire additional facilities. They purchased the Prosch Funeral Home in Waterville in 1996 and the Waseca and Janesville locations of the Starkson and Steffel Funeral Homes in 2020. As they retire, they are selling their business to members of their current staff: Aaron Omtvedt has worked with the Dennises for the past 17 years and Sam Steffel for the past 2.
Reminiscing over the many changes the past 4 decades have brought, both express gratitude for having been part of the Waseca community. “People are so dedicated and so considerate,” comments Tim, thinking of the many faithful volunteers who provide support for grieving families at area churches and organizations. “From the people serving the food to the ushers to the musicians.”
In short, the Dennises know they are leaving their business and their community in good hands as they let loose of the reins and begin their retirement as of July 1.
As for their own plans, they plan to remain part of the Waseca community they have served for so long. Both expect to occasionally assist with business operations. Beyond that, however, they are still settling into the idea of retirement. “We don’t know what it’s like not to be on call,” says Becky, recalling all the golf games, family gatherings, card parties and personal projects which were so suddenly—but never truly unexpectedly—interrupted.
“We look forward to making plans that we know we can carry through on,” says Tim. “We look forward to getting to know what that’s like.”